Free Resources

Groei Map

groei programs are anchored by the groei map which frames key business choices.

Map your business strategy and keep business simple with only four decisions :


1.0 Core – What is the engine of your business and the cash cow?
2.0 Continuous improvement – How do we do business better, cheaper and faster?
3.0 Growth – Can we and should we grow?
4.0 Blue sky – What is our business of the future?


Black and white
groei map


  • Limits the number of projects so you can focus on getting the essential high value projects done.
  • Choose a project at each level so you are focussing on today whilst also building your future business.

One page strategy
groei map


  • Your plan as a picture is easy to see and communicate.
  • Use the map to align the team to the plan.

Free Tools

SPOT Analysis

A SPOT analysis can help you understand the reality of your business and help prepare to make great strategic decisions. SPOT = Strengths, Problems, Opportunities and Threats.

90 Day Plan

Got the groei map and what to make it easy to translate to action? Our easy one page planning template helps you get laser focussed on where to spend your time and money in the next 90 days. A short-term plan is the best way to help you grow a successful business.

KPI Worksheet

What should you measure to make sure your business is performing? Our KPI (key performance indicators) worksheet will help you decide on the right key measures for your small business. Set your measures and your targets and review them monthly.

50 Questions

We’ve also put together a list of 50 questions that will help guide you to small business success. Check how you measure against core values, people, continuous improvement, growth & blue sky

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